Pittsburgh Truck Accident Lawyer
In 2010, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) released a booklet of "crash facts and statistics." This publication stated over 157 people had suffered fatalities in a heavy truck related death – which, while the second lowest since 2005, was still a significant increase from 136 fatalities the year before. PennDOT noted in their booklet that many accidents involving heavy commercial trucks were caused by some sort of vehicle failure. Some of the most common include those related to tires and wheels, brakes, as well as an overloaded truck, suspension and more.
There are countless causes for these devastating accidents. In many, it can be attributed to some sort of human error; for example, a driver who is too fatigued, distracted or drunk to be behind the wheel. In other cases, the driver has simply not been trained on how to properly handle a large heavy truck. Regardless, if you've been injured, you need experienced legal representation.
In many cases, there could be several liable parties, including the truck driver, the trucking firm, a parts manufacturer, truck manufacturing company or a truck maintenance company. When a Pittsburgh personal injury attorney files a claim to pursue compensation for our clients, we ensure that every possible liable party is named in our case. We want to achieve results for you and your family, and recover the compensation you need, considering the degree of the injury you suffered and any other damages.
Trucking Accidents in Pittsburgh, PA
If you were involved in a trucking accident, you likely suffered some very serious injuries and other damages. Frank Walker Law should get involved immediately in any such case. With years of trial experience, we can protect your rights and interests in these complex cases. As trucking firms are represented by commercial insurers, the process can get very involved and complex.
The insurance company usually sends out their own accident investigation team to determine if any other person could be responsible other than their driver. In very serious accidents with multiple victims, it is likely that there will be federal investigators from the NTSB present as well. These cases require the highest level of legal skill, and we believe we bring that to our clients.
It can be difficult to consider legal action when you have been injured, or are caring for a seriously injured family member. It is a critical issue, however, as certain evidence could be lost or destroyed, and you will have restrictions under the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania. The pressure of time has caused some victims to accept a settlement that is far too low. Don't allow yourself to become a victim a second time; contact our firm at once. We can manage every aspect of your claim so that you can focus on your health and recovery. Call us today to schedule your initial case consultation.

Trial-Test ExperieenceOur award-winning firm has even handled appeals in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Victories Speak For ThemselvesYou need to join forces with a criminal defense attorney who gets results
Attorney Walker In The NewsOur lawyer handles high-profile cases and is often asked to provide legal analysis.