Pittsburgh Pedestrian Accident Attorney
Injured in a Pedestrian Accident?
According to recent Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) statistics, while car-pedestrian crashes account for only 3.7% of our total annual accidents, pedestrians count for 11.2% of the fatalities each year. Most accidents occur when pedestrians are trying to cross streets or driveways and persons over the age of 75, especially males, are most at risk of such an accident.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that in 2010 over 4,000 pedestrians were killed and over 70,000 injured in traffic accidents. According to the NHTSA, a pedestrian includes any person, who is on foot—no matter whether walking, jogging, sitting or otherwise—who becomes victimized in an accident with a motor vehicle accident. Despite strides in safety, the statistics released in 2010 showed an increase of 4 percent from those the year before – showing that pedestrian fatalities were a total of 13 percent of all traffic-related fatalities.
In almost 70 percent of fatal accidents, it occurred in an urban area with the majority (69 percent) occurring during the night. Due to the limited visibility, especially when a pedestrian is wearing dark clothing or walking on a street without proper lights, it can cause negligent drivers to fail to see them. This, however, does not excuse the accident. It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that they are looking out for pedestrians on the road around them.
Unfortunately, distracted driving is responsible for a majority of car-pedestrian accidents. While the driver may be prosecuted in criminal court and found guilty of a crime, the penalties won't compensate you for your injury or for the wrongful death of a loved one. It is crucial that you get help to file a personal injury claim or lawsuit to recover damages in the tragic loss of a loved one. You stand the best chance of receiving the compensation that you deserve when you are represented by a Pittsburgh personal injury attorney.
Pittsburgh Injury Lawyer Frank Walker Law: Protecting Injured Pedestrians
At our firm, we are proud of our long-standing reputation for successfully representing clients hurt in pedestrian accidents, or representing survivors of loved ones fatally injured in such accidents. With our experience, we know that it is vitally important to get in touch with us as soon as you can after your accident. In this way, we will be better equipped to start out right away investigating the facts of your case and protecting your rights. At your earliest opportunity, please contact our firm's founding lawyer, Attorney Frank Walker.
We are fortunate to have the expertise and legal background that he brings to our firm, including his past experience as a senior counsel at the Allegheny County Office of Conflict Counsel and as a past associate attorney at Strassburger, McKenna, Gutnick and Gefsky (SMGG), one of the oldest and most prestigious litigation firms in our area. He has gained the respect of his peers - personal injury and trial attorneys alike - due to his skill in obtaining exceedingly fair settlements for his clients and in fighting for their right to just compensation at trial when negotiations have failed. We welcome the opportunity to acquaint you with all of the services our legal team offers and doing all that we can to help you obtain the maximum compensation for your injuries.

Trial-Test ExperieenceOur award-winning firm has even handled appeals in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Victories Speak For ThemselvesYou need to join forces with a criminal defense attorney who gets results
Attorney Walker In The NewsOur lawyer handles high-profile cases and is often asked to provide legal analysis.