Pittsburgh Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?
The Hurt Report, the largest statistical study ever conducted in this country on the subject of motorcycle safety, concluded that the majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by a driver in another vehicle. When this is the case, the injured rider has a right to claim financial compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit. A large percentage of motorcycle accidents in Pittsburgh are caused by a driver's failure to yield right of way to the rider.
This happens when the driver is distracted by talking on a cell phone or texting, when driving drunk, or when the driver simply is not paying attention to the road. Many motorcyclists are injured in sideswipes or after being run off the road, while others are struck in a rear-end collisions when the driver brakes too late at a red light. Riders are placed at risk of debilitating and life-threatening injuries in such accidents, as they have very little protective gear even in the best circumstances.
Identifying the Cause of a Collision
According to the data released by the Hurt Report, almost three fourths of all motorcycle accidents involved some sort of collision with another vehicle – almost always some sort of passenger vehicle. In the remaining quarter of accident, motorcyclists got injured after colliding with either the road itself or with another fixed object (ex: guardrail). While vehicle failure could be attributed to some of these accidents, it is an extremely minor percentage – only counting for less than three percent of all crashes; for example, puncture flat. Other minor cases involve roadway defects (such as pot holes).
By large, the most common cause of motorcycle crashes is what the Hurt Report describes as "the failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcyclists in traffic." While most drivers are aware of the need to look out for other vehicles on the road, they are usually looking for other passenger vehicles – they do not take the extra time to look out for smaller vehicles. This can cause issues like a motorist who is changing lanes without looking over their shoulder or checking their mirrors – which can result in not seeing the motorcycle in time to react and avoid the accident.
In cases where this occurs, the driver of the passenger vehicle should be held liable for their actions. Just because a motorcycle is smaller and less easily visible, does not excuse a motorist from negligently ignoring them or not taking them into account. They have a duty of care behind the wheel to ensure they behave in a manner that won't endanger those around them on the road – including motorcyclists. Therefore, if you have been injured in such a crash and have reason to believe you may have a personal injury claim, we encourage you to consult with a lawyer from our firm as soon as possible so that we can look into the factors of your case.
Legal Help for Motorcycle Accident Injury Claims
If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident that was not your fault, contact Pittsburgh personal injury lawyer Frank Walker to discuss your legal options and to learn what your case may be worth. We are known for getting results for our clients, and our team is ready to begin work on your claim today. Our clients come to us with all types of motorcycle injuries, from broken bones and soft tissue injuries, to spinal cord injuries, road rash and traumatic brain injuries.
The legal team at the law office of Frank Walker also represents families in legal action over the wrongful death of a loved one in a motorcycle accident. If the accident was the result of another person's negligence, you are entitled to demand compensation for your medical bills, your lost income and your pain and suffering.
Contact a Pittsburgh injury attorney from our firm to represent you in your claim and you will greatly improve your chances of receiving a fair settlement.

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