Pittsburgh Burn Injury Lawyer
Have you or your loved one suffered serious burns? The issue of compensation is extremely important. As severe burns take many years of treatment to attempt to resolve, the financial damage will be extensive. Ongoing surgeries to attempt to resolve the damaged skin or muscle, as well as reconstructive surgeries to attempt to improve the appearance of scar tissue could take place over several years.
When a burn is disfiguring, the individual faces emotional challenges and difficulties that can be very difficult. These matters must be addressed legally through filing a claim that is measured against the future difficulties and costs that are part of any serious burn injury. For help filing a claim, speak with a Pittsburgh personal injury attorney today.
Identifying Different Degrees of Burns
When the skin is exposed to any high temperature, as well as chemicals, electricity and radiation, it can result in serious burn injuries. Depending on the severity and type of the exposure, as well as the location, this can range from minor inconvenient injuries to life-altering damage. Burns are therefore categorized into degrees, depending on the depth of skin affected by the burn. The four main degrees are the following:
- First Degree – This is a burn only affects the epidermis (first layer of the skin). Typically, it results in red skin that is dry and extremely painful; however, due to the shallow nature of the wound, it can often heal in less than a week. An exactly of this would be a sunburn.
- Second Degree – This goes one layer deeper to affect the superficial or deep dermis. Similar to a first degree burn, the affected area will be red; however, it will also often blister which result in moist skin that blanches when pressure is applied. When it is a deeper burn, the blisters will become bloody with less blanching. This can take several weeks to fully heal.
- Third Degree – Burns of this degree will affect the entire dermis – it will not be red, but instead will turn white and brown. The skin will also often become dry and leathery at this degree and, due to the damage done to the nerves, will often be painless. At this point, the burn will not heal on its own and will require excision or surgical intervention as treatment.
- Fourth Degree – This is the worst type of burn which can occur – not only affecting the entirety of skin layers, but also damaging the tissue, muscle and bone beneath it. Skin will turn completely black from being charred and, similar to third degree burns, will be dry and painless. In some cases, a degree of this nature will require amputation of the entire area.
As explained above, burns can be extremely painful for the victims – but they can also cause severe psychological damage. No matter whether the burn came from a car accident, improperly controlled steam in a workplace or even electrical shock from a defective product, it is in your best interests to consult with a knowledgeable lawyer.
These cases are complex and without proper legal representation, you may find yourself placed between a rock and a hard place. At our firm, we are compassionate to what our clients are going through and we are prepared to fight on their behalf. From out-of-court negotiations to fighting in the courtroom, we will do everything we reasonably can.
Have you suffered a serious burn? Contact our firm!
Attorney Frank Walker has gained a reputation as a fighter in the courts in the Pittsburgh area, and is known for achieving results. We offer our clients a highly skilled trial lawyer to address the vital legal issue of compensation for damages in a burn injury case.
The issue of compensation is particularly important in burn injury cases; it is vital that there are resources to access the best of surgeons and burn treatment centers, as well as address the personal losses that a burn injury victim faces. Contact our personal injury firm immediately if you need to file a claim. It could be important that evidence is collected and preserved to support your injury claim in negotiations for a settlement, or in court.

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