Was your Student Arrested in Pittsburgh while attending a local College or University?
The City of Pittsburgh is home to many Colleges, Schools and Universities in Downtown Pittsburgh, Oakland, Pennsylvania, Moon Township and Monroeville: Pitt, Carnegie Mellon, Duquesne, Point Park, Robert Morris, Carlow and CCAC just to name a few. Additionally, Pittsburgh has a large student population that attends the many Community Colleges in Allegheny County, Beaver County and Washington County.
With this many students in the metropolis Pittsburgh Area and away from home for the first time, some students find themselves in trouble and in need of legal assistance.
What to do when your College Student gets Arrested.
When you receive word that your college student was just arrested, it is important to remain calm and get all the information available. Don't focus on disciplining your college student over the phone - This is counter-productive and wastes valuable time. Your job is to get the following information:
- When were you arrested?
- Did you receive any paperwork?
- Did you go to Jail, if so, for how long?
- If in jail, which jail and what is your bond?
- When was your arraignment?
- When and where is your next hearing?
- What is the OTN or CR number on your paperwork?
Once you get the information from your college student, contact Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Attorney Frank Walker immediately, , 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 412.532.6805. Attorney Walker will walk you through the process and show you what to expect and how to proceed.
Why it is important to contact a Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Attorney for your College Student
College Students in the Pittsburgh and Oakland area of Pennsylvania are commonly charged with Summary Offenses such as Fake Id, Underage Drinking, Traffic Offenses, Public Drunkenness-Intoxication or Disorderly Conduct. In such occasions, the criminal process will be initiated by summons and a citation will be mailed to the student's home address instead of taking the college student to jail. With an experienced Attorney, these charges can be resolved and possibly expunged once the case is over.
For more serious offenses such as drug possession, aggravated assault, homicide, Casino Crimes, Possession of firearms, DUI, sex crimes, or burglary, the college student will probably be arrested and lodged in the county jail until bond is made.
In either situation, an attorney is needed to immediately assess the situation, help get the student out of jail and begin steps to resolve the case at the Preliminary Hearing, bench trial, jury trial or negotiation to lesser offenses. The longer you wait to contact an attorney, the more complicated the defense becomes: witnesses disappear, memories fade and any video footage becomes unavailable. In addition, your college student will miss valuable class time and may find themselves withdrawing from the Pittsburgh College or University due to excessive absences.
Contact Pittsburgh Criminal Attorney Frank Walker for your College Student
Time is wasting. Contact Attorney Frank Walker Today, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 412.532.6805. Attorney Walker will walk you through the process and show you what to expect and how to proceed.
Attorney Walker has a reputation for being an Aggressive Trial Attorney with Real Experience and Real Results to support the claim. Contact Attorney Walker today at 412.532.6805 to defend your Pittsburgh College Student.

Trial-Test ExperieenceOur award-winning firm has even handled appeals in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Victories Speak For ThemselvesYou need to join forces with a criminal defense attorney who gets results
Attorney Walker In The NewsOur lawyer handles high-profile cases and is often asked to provide legal analysis.