Pittsburgh Summary Appeals Lawyer
An opportunity to address your conviction of a summary offense
Once you receive a summary citation for disorderly conduct, underage drinking, fake id, public intoxication, public urination, reckless driving, careless driving, summary harassment or any other summary offense, you must resist the urge to plead guilty to the summary citation just to get it over with. Sure, once you plead guilty to a summary offense and pay the fine, in your mind, the case is over. You didn't hire a lawyer, you just mailed in your guilty plea, paid the fine and you'll just wait five years and file for an expungement of the offense.
However, in your haste to resolve the citation, you are unaware of the collateral consequences of your guilty plea. For example, for underage drinking citation, reckless driving and fake id, you will lose your driver's license for a period of time. Additionally, some summary offenses will appear in a criminal background check. Now, after you have pled guilty to the offense and avoided coming to court, you are now forced to explain to your potential employer or the admission director for graduate school that you were convicted of public urination and public intoxication after a night on the town visiting Pittsburgh simply because you mailed in a guilty plea in order to avoid coming to Court.
Fortunately for you, the Summary Appeals process gives you another opportunity to address your summary charge, with a lawyer who fully understands summary offenses and how they may impact your future.
The Summary Appeal Process
Once you plead guilty or have been found guilty of a summary offense, you have thirty (30) days to file an appeal to have your case heard by a Common Pleas Judge. Once you file your appeal, you will be given a notice with the date for your summary appeals hearing. At this hearing, you have the right and opportunity to present evidence, have your witnesses heard and to be represented by counsel. These are your rights, use them and hire an attorney who is experienced in the summary appeals process to answer your questions, explain the consequences and to present a defense to the charges lodged against you.
Contact our Firm for Aggressive Defense against Summary Offenses
Attorney Frank Walker is a member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and a Member of the National Top 100 Criminal Defense Lawyers. Attorney Walker has the experience to address your summary conviction through the summary appeals process and present a zealous defense on your behalf. Attorney Walker is well aware the collateral consequences of being found guilty of a summary offense and fights vigorously to protect your record.
Contact Attorney Walker today at 412.315.7441 for a review of your case and discussion of your rights.

Trial-Test ExperieenceOur award-winning firm has even handled appeals in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Victories Speak For ThemselvesYou need to join forces with a criminal defense attorney who gets results
Attorney Walker In The NewsOur lawyer handles high-profile cases and is often asked to provide legal analysis.